Do you realize how many people walk around with unnatural amounts of stress? Stress and tension can become a normal feeling in your body. Medical doctors will soon be prescribing that people take a day every month to go on retreat, a long weekend every three months, and spiritual bath a longer sabbatical on a regular basis, simply to recharge their batteries and survive the intensity of our societies’ high stress levels. Retreat centers around the country are more booked than ever before.
Follow these quick and easy steps to create a spiritual retreat. You can create a retreat at home, or find a special place in nature to reconnect to your divine essence.
1. Imagine the life you want.
In your mind’s eye see yourself, living the life you desire, and deserve free from physical and emotional pain. See yourself healthy, full of energy, awaking each morning spending time in silence, and connecting to the divine essence inside. Free from self sabotaging habits that restrict the flow of energy and vital essence within.
2. Take time away even if only for 30 minutes.
Taking time away from your life can give you the needed break to stop the chaos accepted as “normal”. Often, you never know how stressed you are until you take a break from your routine.
3. Spend time in nature.
Spending time in nature brings clarity and allows you to release your stress.
Just like the stress that has become internalized and accepted. The lack of direction and missing connection to the divine has been lost in constant business that plagues our society. Stop the chaos and be still.
4. Breathe away your stress.
The first reaction to stress is to hold your breath and tighten your body, and shut down your emotions. This emotional chain reaction is sure to give you a headache along with many other body complaints.
5. Create a spiritual retreat.
A Spiritual Retreat is something that you can create for yourself, or find a spiritual coach to assist you on your journey. The first step is to acknowledge your need for a retreat. The second step is to commit time to be still either in your own home in a special bath or by creating a spiritual altar. Until you can escape to a spiritual retreat of your choice create your own. An aromatherapy bath with special candles and soft relaxing music can calm your mind and rejuvenate your spirit.
A Spiritual Retreat is something that you can create for yourself, or find a spiritual coach to assist you on your journey. The first step is to acknowledge your need for a retreat. The second step is to commit time to be still either in your own home in a special bath or by creating a spiritual altar. Until you can escape to a spiritual retreat of your choice create your own. An aromatherapy bath with special candles and soft relaxing music can calm your mind and rejuvenate your spirit. Click here to schedule a special retreat